
Project title: Strengthen Culture of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in South Sudan.

In 2012 GREDA conducted three conflict resolutions, peace building human rights training of trainers [Tots] in Western Equatoria State with 30 participants per training. The 90 participants trained had extended and replicated conflict resolution, peace building and human rights education to their own people in ten counties of Western Equatoria State that was why the …

Project title: Strengthen Culture of Human Rights, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding in South Sudan. Read More »

Project title: Rehabilitating Agricultural Feeder Road in South Sudan.

In 2013 GREDA mobilized communities of Mundri East County that rehabilitated a 45 KM agricultural feeder road by community self-help work started from Lanyi – Wandi supported by World Food Program (WFP) – South Sudan FOOD FOR ASSET (FFA) program. The road is/was connecting agricultural farmers in Mundri East County to Juba- Yambio main road …

Project title: Rehabilitating Agricultural Feeder Road in South Sudan. Read More »

Photo of farmers trained in Mundri East County supported by WFP Juba

Project title: Strengthen agricultural Local food production through Group/Co-operative farming.

In 2014 GREDA trained 150 agricultural farmers in modern agricultural techniques, agriculture group or co-operative farming including agricultural and environmental friendly good practices in Mundri East County in Western Equatoria State supported by WFP – Juba FOOD FOR ASSET (FFA) program After the training the agricultural farmers in Mundri East County in 2014; embarked on …

Project title: Strengthen agricultural Local food production through Group/Co-operative farming. Read More »

Project title: Strengthen the Human rights and culture of Peace education in South Sudan.

In 2015 GREDA received funding from the National Endowment for democracy (NED) Washington DC USA. The funding was used and implemented project that strengthened Human rights and culture of Peace education that targeted 250 youth leaders in Jongolei State. This project created peaceful co-existence between Dinka youth and Murle youth who had been killing themselves …

Project title: Strengthen the Human rights and culture of Peace education in South Sudan. Read More »

Photo of borehole constructed for the widows, single mothers and orphan children –funded by Germany Embassy in Juba

Project title: Drilling and Construction of borehole for poorest vulnerable widows and single mothers.

In 2016 GREDA received a grant donation from Germany Embassy in Juba and drilled/constructed a Borehole in the premises of low cost houses constructed in Mundri East County for poorest vulnerable widows, single mothers and orphan children. The borehole is providing safe and clean drinking for 350 members of 50 households of the widows, single …

Project title: Drilling and Construction of borehole for poorest vulnerable widows and single mothers. Read More »

Project title: Saving the lives of Poorest Vulnerable IDPs through humanitarian relief food.

In 2017 the conflict between President Salva Kiir and Dr. Riek Machar intensified and occupied large parts of Western Equatoria State. On January 2017 the rebel under Dr. Riek Machar attacked and captured Kediba the Head Quarter of Mundri East County and displaced nearly 25,000 people to Mundri West County that were settled in Church …

Project title: Saving the lives of Poorest Vulnerable IDPs through humanitarian relief food. Read More »

Project title: Strengthened the culture of peace, human rights and dialogue skills in South Sudan.

On December 15th 2013 when violent conflict erupted in South Sudan between President Salva Kiir Mayardit (Dinka) and Dr. Riek Machar Teny (Nuer). In this conflict the youth allied to the two leaders clashed as ethnic groups and killed each other and committed atrocities of highest magnitudes on both sides where approximately 400,000 people were …

Project title: Strengthened the culture of peace, human rights and dialogue skills in South Sudan. Read More »

women that were trained on local peacebuilding

Project title: Strengthened community cohesion, Increase Women Participation in Local Peace Processes and Alleviation of Poverty in South Sudan.

Between the periods March 2018-February 2019 GREDA had implemented the project that Strengthened community cohesion, Increase Women Participation in Local Peace Processes and Alleviation of Poverty in Pibor and Lafon counties. The project was successfully implemented in which 40 vulnerable women were trained in the processes of local peacebuilding and making solid/liquid soap for sale …

Project title: Strengthened community cohesion, Increase Women Participation in Local Peace Processes and Alleviation of Poverty in South Sudan. Read More »

beneficiaries coming to access legal counselling at GREDA's office in Bor.

Project title: Enhancing Housing, Land and Property Rights for the people affected by Violent conflict between the periods 2013 – 2018 in South Sudan.

Between the periods March 2019- November 2019 GREDA implemented “Housing, Land and property Rights Project that provided legal aid support and also supported restitution of housing, land and property rights to 5550 people in Jonglei State. The beneficiaries of this project were people whose houses, land and properties were taken over by force during the …

Project title: Enhancing Housing, Land and Property Rights for the people affected by Violent conflict between the periods 2013 – 2018 in South Sudan. Read More »

GBV survivors attending counselling in Kapoeta North County

Project title: Enhanced Gender Based Violence (GBV) Case management support for the GBV survivors through women and girls’ friendly spaces in South Sudan.

Between the periods September 2018-February 2019 GREDA had implemented Gender Based Violence (GBV) Case management support for the GBV survivors through women and girls’ friendly spaces established in Kapoeta North County in Chumakori, Najie and Lomeyen Payams. This project was successfully implemented because 2525 vulnerable people (495 men, 1248 women, 551 boys and 231 girls) …

Project title: Enhanced Gender Based Violence (GBV) Case management support for the GBV survivors through women and girls’ friendly spaces in South Sudan. Read More »

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